Wednesday, September 26, 2007


How can NUS and/or Engineering Faculty enhance the awareness of the importance of emotional intelligence?

There are several methods to enhance and promote the awareness of the importance of emotional intelligence (EI for short). The fist step to achieve this goal is to let the students know more and understand their own feeling so they know where the problems of them are. For example, all of us know what should we do to improve our grade but we always forgot or don’t do most of those things. That is because we are so used to do things in our own ways and we unintentionally ignore or forgot to attempt the actual things which matter us. So as a solution, school may organize some seminars about EI where the attendance of the students is compulsory rather than optional. By doing this all of the students are forced to know EI and they won’t have the thought of spending extra time unwisely on the subjects which they think they understand. Alternatively, school may create a series of online quizzes about EI where the students who attended them are awarded some credits for co-curriculum activities (CCA) points. Additionally, school may set an EI related module under university requirement category where every student has to take it. This method may be bit reluctance and yet it is the most effective way of promoting EI. To conclude it, by giving students the environment, where they get more chances to get to know EI, can eventually achieve the awareness of the importance of EI in students.


Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you, sammy, for your post. Your topic is interesting, especially considering what is now happening in your home country. If there is an EQ for people, I wonder if there can be an EQ for governments. I know that on many issues related to the well-being of its own and other countries' citizens, my country, the U.S.A. fails in many ways. The current US government administration has not done very well taking care of its own people, and less well has it reached out to the world.

When you discuss the ways that, for instance, the engineering faculty at NUS might approach instilling a higher EQ in students, I wonder if some sort of similar vision might apply to the way a government develops sensitivity in its own citizens for the needs of others.

Thanks for inspiring such thoughts.

NANG said...
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NANG said...

Your solutions are good . It would be more perfect if you could mention the definition of Emotional Intelligence clearer. Honestly, I didn’t know the exact meaning of Emotional Intelligence till I took this EG1471 module :)